discover your core gift!

Gift – this word has many meanings, and each of us is, in fact, a bearer of gifts. In other words, each of us has at least three types of gifts:

  • the gift of presence – being present for oneself and for others;
  • gifts of a material kind;
  • the gifts that come from our interiority and experience: gifts of wisdom, talents, the deep aptitudes of our personality.
    The latter show and come from our life mission, which may have many facets, but which shows a clear direction if we know how to read and listen to it.

Gifts are not skills, i.e. technical abilities – gifts are qualities and attitudes that underlie our behaviour and what moves us in life. They can be brought to fruition by learning certain technical skills, but they do not end there (if, for example, my gift is to be creative, I can apply it in many ways and not only, for example, by enrolling in a painting course, or music, or dance, etc.).

core gift coaching

As for the essential gift, we understand it as a unique quality that you have to share with others. It is linked to and reinforced by your life experiences, particularly the challenges you have faced. Knowing your Essential Gift allows you to share it better with others, brings attention to your sense of purpose and well-being, and guides your decision-making about your future path.

If you are in a time of transition, where you need to find clarity and anchors that are within you and not outside in order to make choices in your near future, Core Gift work is for you.

Extensive research on the Essential Gift has been carried out by the Core Gift Institute in Seattle (USA), visit their website:

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