emotional wellness consultancy

aromaterapia ansia stress aria

Sometimes the emotional states we go through are not easy to live and we find ourselves confused and under stress.

In the complexity of today’s world we need to find our ability to guide ourselves, following our deep needs and bringing greater clarity on the choices to be made.

Personal well-being consultations are 30 or 60 minutes online meetings via Skype or Whatsapp Video, during which we explore together the most urgent issues of your present, and we use breathing practices, guided meditations and creative writing to bring greater clarity in your path of life.

The techniques used are:

breathing and breathwork practices;

guided meditations in which you can find inner well-being;

creative writing and creative practices to ease tensions and regain clarity;

the interview as a form of support and orientation advice for one’s own well-being and ideas of aromatherapy as support for your path.

For any questions and insights you can book an appointment of 15 minutes through the Calendly app or contact me directly at 338 4445212 and by email: professionfelice@gmail.com

Aromatherapy, Perfumery and Wine sensoriality
